Content on other sites
My stuff on [archived]: A defunct video game wallpaper site, I contributed a couple of wallpapers there.
My stuff on I've mirrored my ROM editors and hacks here. This site has a ton of ROM editing utilities.
My stuff on Files I've contributed (text-only versions of walkthroughs posted here).
My stuff on dzone: Mirrors of some Java articles I've written.
Contributions to The few small contributions I've made there. My Nerdy Origins in Lock Haven
The 5 Worst Product Placements in Video Games: A funny article about games that are little more than blatant advertisements.
And head over to the podcasts page for some other links.
Social media
I do not have accounts on any social media sites other than LinkedIn.
I had pages on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Tumblr, and YouTube. Some of these sites may not exist whenever you are reading this. I deleted all my accounts somewhere between 2017-2018. There's a very small chance someone has my old handles today.
Seriously, it could happen.
Shortly after deleting my Facebook account I took a business trip to San Francisco. The Uber driver at the airport said he was excited when I appeared on his app because I had the same name as his brother back in Haiti. When I got in the car and wasn't Haitian and could barely speak French he may have been a little disappointed. We had a pleasant conversation anyway. I mentioned to him that the "HuguesJohnson" handle should be available on Facebook now. I don't know if his brother grabbed it, I don't plan to ever check.
So to make a long story short... if there's not a link to it on this page it's not me.
Followed Sites
This wouldn't be a web 1.0 site without a list of links to other random sites. Here's a page with every RSS feed I follow.
Other stuff
My pihole block list - not huge, just some annoying domains that aren't on the default list.