
Here's a command-line to start the application, please note that this requires Java 11+ and openjfx to be installed. In some future iteration I would like to move to a self-contained package. Until then it's:

java -jar narpas-javafx.jar

There's an optional command-line argument "--passwordList" that opens a saved password list.

java -jar narpas-javafx.jar --passwordList=[full path to saved password list]

More on this later..

You should then be greeted by a window that looks like this.

Main window

OK, there's a lot going on here but it's still quite simple:

Password settings are initially read-only. This is a design choice to work around my own bad habit of accidentally overwriting passwords. Click the Edit button under the password length slider to edit the password.

After filling out a pass phrase the password will be generated. This value is not stored by NARPassword and will change when any settings are changed.

Edit a password

After editing the password settings use the buttons underneath to:

The plus and minus buttons under the list can be used to add and remove passwords. The text on the left side list isn't editable. The password name is changeable in the field on the right side.

Add as a new password

If there are unsaved changes you will be prompted to save before selecting a new password setting. This was added to accommodate my apparent inability to press a save button.

Confirm changes

The save button under the password settings list opens a dialog to save your list to a file. This does not save your pass phrase or generated passwords. It saves the name and settings.

Save password list

This file can be encrypted with a password if you choose. This is not required but is a good idea.

Save dialog

The saved password list contains text like this when un-encrypted:


Again, no password or pass phrase in there. On your file system it will be encrypted even if you don't specify a password. However if someone compromised this file it would be trivial to un-encrypt if there wasn't a password. In case you're curious, here's what the previous password list looks like when it's saved with no password:


As you might expect, the load button loads a saved password list. This dialog also appears at launch if the "--passwordList" argument was included.

Load password list

Leave the password blank if you didn't save the file with one. There is no mechanism to recover a lost password.

