A simple templater in Java

This is going to be a quick one, at least in terms of commentary.

This site is 100% static HTML. This is because I don't want to spend the rest of my life patching Wordpress. I know there are many other alternatives but I'm perfectly happy to keep this static HTML. Way, way back in the early days (2000ish) I managed this site in Microsoft FrontPage but ultimately it was still just static HTML.

Despite that, I have a bunch of code to maintain the site. Eventually I'll post about it in more detail. It handles things like rewriting the header, footer, and navigation to all HTML pages whenever I make a change.

For the longest time I had stuff like CSS versions hardcoded. That is not good but I only run this on my PC so who cares? I'd like to post my little web publishing system on Github eventually though. I need to fix bad things like this so I don't look inept (I know, too late).

I'm aware of multiple libraries to handle templates but I decided to write my own because it's very easy. The requirements go like:

Here's the code I came up with:

/* MIT license */

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

public class SimpleTemplater{
  //default delimiter
  public final static String DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_START="{";
  public final static String DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_END="}";

  private Map<String,String> staticTemplates;
  private String templateStart=DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_START;
  private String templateEnd=DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_END;
  public SimpleTemplater(Map<String,String> staticTemplates){

  public SimpleTemplater(Map<String,String> staticTemplates,String templateStart,String templateEnd){
  public String process(String s){
    StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer(s);
    int startIndex=sb.indexOf(this.templateStart);
    int endIndex=sb.indexOf(this.templateEnd);
        //we have something
        String match=sb.substring(startIndex,endIndex+1);
        //test if this is a static template
        String staticReplace=this.staticTemplates.getOrDefault(match,null);
          //replace the template with the value
          //next starting point should be at the end of the block just replaced
          //increment indexes
      }else{ //endIndex<startIndex so there is a mismatched tag
      //search for next template match

This is probably (certainly) not the most efficient solution to the problem. My entire web publisher app, which includes this code, runs against every page in this site in roughly 1 second. If it ever takes 2 seconds then I'll look into optimizing it. It's a very simple scheme to swap string values which is what I needed.

Here is a JUnit test for this code:

/* also MIT license */
class TestSimpleTemplater{
  void testStaticTemplates(){
    //setup some data
    Map<String,String> staticTemplates=new HashMap<String,String>();
    //setup templater
    SimpleTemplater templater=new SimpleTemplater(staticTemplates);
    //simple tests
    String templateString="{TESTKEY1}";
    String expectedResult="TESTVALUE1";
    String resultString=templater.process(templateString);
    //longer tests
    //oddball tests

The latest version of this code will be here. It's possible I will make it more efficient or more complicated.
