Last year (2006) I decided to start a section called Game Hunter where I'd post pictures of old video games I found at garage sales and thrift stores. Unlike the semi-popular video game scans section, I don't see why anyone would want to bother downloading or linking to these images. I figured the best route to go would be to use a hover image instead of the ol' "click the thumbnail for the full-size image". You know, the effect where the full-size image appears when a visitor hovers over the thumbnail image:
I did a little searching and found a nifty library called Overlib (web archive link) that seemed like it would work. It looked really easy and was something I could even use elsewhere on the site. It didn't support showing an image by itself, but did support background images. No problem, I'd just pass the image to a function and resize the pop-up to the size of the image.
That worked great, but then I hit the following issues in roughly this order:
After some trial and error, I ended up with the following script to make it all work:
src="../script/overlib/overlib.js"><!-- overLIB (c) Erik Bosrup -->
<script language="JavaScript">
var cancelImage=false;
function overlibImage(caption,imagePath)
bgImage=new Image();
overlib("loading image..");
var substringpos=bgImage.src.length-imagePath.length;
function overlibMouseout()
return nd();
..with the following in the body to display the thumbnail image:
onmousemove="return overlibImage('title','full-image.jpg');"
onmouseout="return overlibMouseout();">
style='border:1px dashed;'
I don't think this is a horrible approach, although I'm sure somebody will send me an email explaining a much simpler way to accomplish the same effect. Until then, I'm satisfied with the results. You're free to use this sample code on your site, no restrictions or whatnot.
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