PC Games
Page 2 - Take No Prisoners. Riven, The Journeyman Project 3, Warlords III
I did not play many PC games in 1997. Possibly none. I was going to college for Computer Science so I was spending plenty of time behind a keyboard and didn't want any easy distractions sitting on my hard drive. I never went back and tried many games of the late 90s either. For example, I've played none of these.
Page 5 - board game games
I can understand playing board game games on a console because there are multiple controllers and everything. I don't really get them on the PC though unless there's some kind of online play. Since this was 1997 any online play would have been accompanied by screeching modem sounds.
Page 10 - Towers of Darkness, Quake, Civilization II, Shadow Warrior Shareware Version, Doom Trilogy, Space Bar, Scud, Heat, Chasm the Rift, Obsidian, Rocket Jockey
Sega let the Heat.net domain expire, it now belongs to a heating & cooling company. Also, $49.99 for the shareware version of Shadow Warrior seems a tad steep.
Page 11 - Resident Evil, Tone Rebellion, Sabre Ace, Subspace, Red Alert: The Aftermath, Comand and Conquer: Red Alert Domination Pack, Lands of Lore: Guardians of Destiny, Blade Runner
I haven't received any good hate mail in a while so let me just say - the plot of that Blade Runner game is such a rip-off of Snatcher it makes me sick. They even blatantly copied the outfit of Gillian Seed.
Page 21 - Jetfighter: Full Burn, Tom Clancy's Politika, Netwar, Panzer General II, Imperialism, Postal, Forced Alliance, Advanced Tactical Missions
If this whole programming thing I'm doing now doesn't work out maybe I could work as a catalog editor. It took me under five seconds to notice that Advanced Tactical Missions and Imperialism have the same description.
Page 24 - East Front, Battleground 8: Prelude to Waterloo, Turok, IF-16, Seven Kingdoms, Liberation Day, G-Police
I don't remember anything about Battleground 8: Prelude to Waterloo so I did a little poking around and it doesn't look half bad. It looks wholly complicated though. I doubt I'll ever give it a try but maybe I'll stumble across a cheap copy one day.