PC Productivity
Page 41 - Planix Home Design Deluxe, Dilbert Calendar, Simply House, Resumes that Work, and clip art collections
Welcome to the "stuff Google and Wikipedia made obsolete" section of the catalog.
When I saw that Dilbert Calendar I thought "hey, that might make a cool Android app". There is an official Dilbert Android app but it's awful, and this is coming from someone who's written awful Android apps himself. It's very rare that I see an app and think I could do better.
Page 46 - Master Publisher '97, Micro Cookbook, Pirates, Skywatching, more clip art
202,000 clip art images in one of these. I can picture the meeting now - one of the guys wanted to stop at 200,00 but the boss kept pushing him. No way would he settle for only 200,000 even if it meant everyone except him worked through the weekend.
Page 53 - Clean and Protect Your Hard Drive, Web Fuel, RealPlayer Plus, Guard Dog Deluxe, Chroma Fax, eShare Reunion
I know I'm not the first person to say this but RealPlayer is the worst piece of software ever written. Maybe that's a bit harsh. What I mean to say is .RM is a terrible media format and RealPlayer is spammy to the point of being borderline malware.
Page 55 - Macro Magic, Cassiopedia, email 97, Franklin Rex, Avigo 10, Image AXS
I try to not make fun of prices in these catalogs because I understand the general idea behind Moore's Law and technology will become more advanced and cheaper at the same time. These early organizers though, wow, just wow.