PC Hardware
Page 26 - Intense 3D Voodoo, Sidewinder Force Feedback Pro
Let's get this out of the way now - hardware cost more 15 years ago (or whenever you're reading this). I can't really make jokes about prices of the past because there are two incredibly obvious reasons why technology is cheaper today. One is a law named after some dude and the other is a giant country with cheap labor.
Page 28 - Orbit, Kensington Smart Sockets, Quicktreive, Gravis pads, Mad Catz Steering Wheel, Mad Catz Panther
If anyone cares, that Kensington Smart Sockets power strip is still sold today for the same price and is perfect for a game room. I currently have a TurboDuo, Super Nintendo, 3DO, Jaguar, Atari Flashback, and CD-i hooked up to one.
Page 33 - VariMouse, Checkpoint, Casio QV 70 Compact Digital Camera, Acctrack, Stingray 3D, greeting cards
There it is folks, the first commercially available digital camera. OK, I don't know that for a fact and have no intention of researching it. As a matter of fact, I'll go so far as to say it's not. Whatever, it's still cool to see the technology in its infancy.