Electronics Boutique Christmas 1997 Catalog

Video Game Accessories

Page 59 - EB controllers, RF adapters, memory cards

Page 59 - EB controllers, RF adapters, memory cards

If you ever want to deal with an angry parent come work at a video game store on December 26. They went out and bought their kid a $200 game system only to find that their old TV doesn't have an A/V hookup. They expected to get some peace and quiet on Christmas but instead had to listen to whining all day. So they trek into the game store the next day to buy an RF adapter only to find that they sold out by 9:05 AM. That of course is the fault of the person making $7.50 an hour behind the counter and they will be given the third degree about it.

Page 87 - Saturn Action Replay Pro, Saturn Memory Card, Secret of Evermore Soundtrack, Blaze Eraser Gun, PlayStation Controller Converter

Page 87 - Saturn Action Replay Pro, Saturn Memory Card, Secret of Evermore Soundtrack, Blaze Eraser Gun, PlayStation Controller Converter

There are a lot of odd accessories in here I wish I bought. That PlayStation Controller Converter would be way up there. The PlayStation controller was great and everything but the Super Nintendo controller was better. Yeah it wouldn't work for games with analog control but the first two years of PlayStation games were largely digital.

Page 88 - GX TV, Scuba Headset

Page 88 - GX TV, Scuba Headset

Do you think anybody bought the Scuba Headset that wasn't using it for pr0n?

Page 91 - Mako Pad, Sharkpad, Game Shark 64, TremorPak, Speakers V3 Wheel, Wireless Headphones

Page 91 - Mako Pad, Sharkpad, Game Shark 64, TremorPak, Speakers V3 Wheel, Wireless Headphones

Wasn't the PlayStation 3 at some point rumored to have a boomerang controller like the goofy one pictured here?

Page 92 - Piranha Pad, GameShark PSX, memory cards

Page 92 - Piranha Pad, GameShark PSX, memory cards

These are maybe the three junkiest looking controllers I've ever seen.

Page 93 - AC adapters, Eclipse Pad, GameShark Saturn

Page 93 - AC adapters, Eclipse Pad, GameShark Saturn

Hmm.. maybe I'll take that last statement back. I owned an Eclipse Pad for Saturn and it's the worst controller I've ever used. And yes, I've played both the Jaguar and Atari 5200.

Page 94 - controllers and hint books

Page 94 - controllers and hint books

I got one of those giant N64 steering wheels for a buck a couple years ago. I only hooked it up once, not that great.

Page 95 - Ascii controllers, game organizers, The Glove

Page 95 - Ascii controllers, game organizers, The Glove

I am extremely curious to try both that one-handed controller and The Glove. The one-handed controller is presumably awful for games with any amount of action but is probably alright for RPGs.

Page 96 - hint books

Page 96 - hint books

There were still a lot of hint books in 1997 because not everyone had those internet tubes connected to their house yet.

Page 97 - hint books, light guns, Naki Freedom Controller

Page 97 - hint books, light guns, Naki Freedom Controller

How have the makers of the Naki Freedom Controller not sued Nintendo for the Wii Nunchuk?

Page 99 - virtual pets

Page 99 - virtual pets

This was a pretty short-lived craze. I bought a couple of the Star Wars versions which I don't see pictured here. I never opened them, wonder if they're worth anything now?

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