etba-aa88 - master code*
a2nt-aa8r - no enemies attack**
acba-cbg6 - first chest has 0 meseta
nwba-cbg6 - first chest has 100 meseta
8wba-cdg6 - first chest has 500 meseta
7cba-chg6 - first chest has 1000 meseta
ycba-c9g6 - first chest has 4000 meseta
awaa-ca7a - first chest has normal amount plus 32,768
bmta-ccgn - start with 10 hit points
cxta-ccgn - start with 20 hit points
gmta-ccgn - start with 50 hit points
nxta-ccgn - start with 100 hit points
3dta-ccgn - start with 200 hit points
9mta-ccgn - start with 250 hit points
a4zt-aa22 - buy anything no matter how much money you have
alzt-aa7w - items that you can afford are free
bxda-aa5l - fortune telling is free
ddbt-aa5l - inns are free
bxat-aa64 - poison recovery is free
bw9t-aa5e - resurrection is free
a49a-aa28 - technique redistribution is free
reht-c6vl - monomate, dimate & trimate restore all hit points
btha-ca91 - no technique points deducted using the res tech
btha-ca38 - no technique points deducted using the gires tech
btha-ca6w - no technique points deducted using the rever tech
gcjt-b62w - no technique points deducted using the anti tech
ckba-aa3g - one strike kills small front enemies
b3fa-aa80 - one strike kills large back enemies
gtbt-ca3t - no hit points lost from enemy strikes
gtct-ca5c - no hit points lost from enemy techniques
* - master code must be entered for other codes to function
** - this code must be turned off before talking to a boss (King of Cille, Lyle, Siren, Sari, Lune, Rulakir, Dark Force)
Pro Action Replay Codes
0019CE6006 - no enemies attack*
0042266012 - one strike kills front enemies
004AD6600E - one strike kills back enemies
0103306034 - no hit points lost from strikes
0105626034 - no hit points lost from techniques
0182DC8000 first chest has 0 meseta
0182DC8064 first chest has 100 meseta
0182DC81F4 first chest has 500 meseta
0182DC83E8 first chest has 1000 meseta
0182DC83A0 first chest has 4000 meseta
0180A06004 first chest has 32768 meseta
01E0CC010A start with 10 hit points
01E0CC0114 start with 20 hit points
01E0CC0132 start with 100 hit points
01E0CC01C8 start with 200 hit points
01E0CC01CA start with 250 hit points
00AB186006 buy anything
00ABB26002 items are free
00C676600C fortune telling is free
00C3766018 inns are free
00C19A600C poison recovery is free
00BF6400C resurrection is free
00BE1E6006 technique distribution is free
010F364E71 medicine restores all hit points
010EF6600C res uses no technique points
010E3E600C gires uses no technique points
010E92600C rever uses no technique points
0091127E30 anti uses no technique points
* - this code must be turned off before talking to a boss (King of Cille,
Lyle, Siren, Sari, Lune, Rulakir, Dark Force)