1st Generation
E378 = Set at beginning of Rhys adventure
E391 = Set at beginning of Rhys adventure
E392 = Set at beginning of Rhys adventure
E393 = Set at beginning of Rhys adventure
E394 = Set at beginning of Rhys adventure
E395 = Set at beginning of Rhys adventure
E396 = Set at beginning of Rhys adventure
E397 = Set at beginning of Rhys adventure
E37B = Set after dragon disappears
E37C = Put in the dungeon
E37A = 01 After talking to Maia
E37A = 02 After Rhys vows
E37A = 03 After Maia disappears
E37A = Increments after each dialogue window
E37A = Drops back down to zero after entering dungeon
[If I had to guess, I'd say E37A is a generic dialog index and probably is incremented & reset for every dialog in the game]
E37D = After talking to Lena in dungeon
E37E = After talking to Lena in dungeon
E37F = After walking out of tech shop = sets shopkeepers as blockers, setting 00 removes shopkeepers
E380 = Event flag for "Layan woman who never blinks" dialog
E381 = Mieu joins party
E382 = Can use Yaata boat
E383 = Increments when first chest opened in island cave, then after opening sapphire chest
E384 = Talked to Lyle in cave and he disappears leaving chest
E385 = After "the one you seek abides in a western cave" dialog
E386 = Wren joins party
E387 = Lyle joins party in Weather Station
E388 = Weather satellite repaired
E389 = Increments after talking to villager in agoe "woman taken to castle?"; increments after "legends say the moon stone and moon tear belong in a tower deep within Aridia" dialog; increments again when moons are moved
E38A = Lena joins party
E38B = Moons moved
E38C = King of Cille defeated
E38D = Selected Maia to marry
E38E = Selected Lena to marry
2nd Generation - Nial
E3B8 = Set when Nial's quest begins
E392 = Unset at beginning of Nial's quest
E390 = Set at beginning of Nial's quest
E3B9 = Set after taking control of Nial
E3BA = Set after taking control of Nial
E3C8+E3C9 = Dahlia can be entered
2nd Generation - Ayn
E390 = set at beginning of Ayn's quest
E391 = unset at beginning of Ayn's quest
E398 = set at beginning of Ayn's quest
E399 = set after taking control of Ayn
E39A = set after taking control of Ayn
E39B = Shusoran attacked
E39C = Cille attacked
E39D+E39E+E39F = Lensol gate
E3A0 = Thea in party
E3A1 = Sari in party
E3A2 = Lyle dead
E3A8+E3A9 = Azura can be entered
E3AC = Siren defeated
3rd Generation
E16F = After Miun dies - before chest with Miun's Claw opened
E171 = Sage Isle - After talking to Siren
E400 = Kara in party
E45D = Siren dead
E45C = Miun dead
E45B = Dark Force free
E461 = All legendary weapons collected
E45E = Mieu learned Grantz
E45F = Nei Weapons
E460 = Rulakir dead
E462 = Dark Force dead
Multiple Generations
E144 = Laya's pendant active event
E146 = Aqua parts active event
E15A = Aero parts active event
E175 = Mystery Star active event
E174 = Twin's Ruby active event
E3C7 = Laya in party
Treasure Chest Flags
E118 = Landen Dungeon - Knife
E119 = Landen Dungeon - Monitor
E11C = Landen Dungeon - Trimate
E11D = Landen Dungeon - Dimate
E11E = Landen Dungeon - Dimate
E11F = Landen Dungeon - Antidote
E120 = Landen Dungeon - Monomate
E173 = Landen Dungeon - 300 Meseta
E121 = Island cave - Dimate
E122 = Island cave - Antidote
E123 = Island cave - Escapipe
E124 = Island cave - Shield
E11A = Sapphire chest open
E11B = Sapphire can be used
E125 = Landen-Aquatica tunnel - Antidote
E126 = Landen-Aquatica tunnel - Monomate
E127 = Aquatica-Aridia tunnel - Antidote
E128 = Aquatica-Aridia tunnel - Dimate
E129 = Aquatica-Aridia tunnel - Dimate
E12A = Aridia western cave - Dimate
E12B = Aridia western cave - Escapipe
E12C = Weather Station 1st - Monomate
E12D = Weather Station 1st - Antidote
E12E = Weather Station 2nd - Trimate
E12F = Weather Station 2nd - Trimate
E130 = Weather Station 2nd - Antidote
E131 = Shusoran Dungeon - Trimate
E132 = Shusoran Dungeon - Trimate
E133 = Shusoran Dungeon - Trimate
E134 = Cille Dungeon - Escapipe
E136 = Cille Dungeon - Antidote
E135 = Cille Dungeon - Trimate
E137 = Cille Dungeon - Trimate
E137 = Lensol Dungeon - Trimate
E138 = Lensol Dungeon - Monomate
E139 = Lensol Dungeon - Antidote
E160 = Aridia-Draconia Tunnel - Ceramic Helmet
E161 = Aridia-Draconia Tunnel - Force Ribbon
E162 = Aridia-Draconia Tunnel - Laser Shot
E16C = Aridia-Landen Tunnel - Force Sword
E16B = Aridia-Landen Tunnel - Force Claw
E16A = Aridia-Landen Tunnel - Force Knife
E13A = Techna Dungeon - Trimate
E15E = Azura Dungeon - Force Boots
E15F = Azura Dungeon - Force Bandana
E169 = Landen-Elysium Tunnel - Ceramic Ribbon
E168 = Landen-Elysium Tunnel - Laser Shot
E167 = Landen-Elysium Tunnel - Ceramic Shield
E14B = Divisia Dungeon - Trimate
E14C = Divisia Dungeon - Antidote
E14D = Rebel Cave - Force Helmet
E14E = Rebel Cave - Hunting Bandana
E14F = Rebel Cave - Ceramic Gear
E152 = Rebel Cave - Sub Parts
E151 = Rebel Cave - Laser Claw
E150 = Rebel Cave - Laser Sword
E164 = Aridia-Frigidia Tunnel - Ceramic Bow
E163 = Aridia-Frigidia Tunnel - Force Staff
E165 = Aridia-Frigidia Tunnel - Ceramic Crown
E166 = Aridia-Frigidia Tunnel - Laser Knife
E144 = Mystoke Castle - Laya's Pendant
E142 = Mystoke Dungeon - Trimate
E143 = Mystoke Dungeon - Antidote
E157 = Aerone Dungeon - Monomate
E158 = Dahlia Dungeon - Force Crown
E159 = Dahlia Dungeon - Force Gear
E15D = Dahlia Dungeon - Laconian Gear
E15C = Dahlia Dungeon - Laconian Bandana
E15B = Dahlia Dungeon - Laconian Crown
E15A = Dahlia Dungeon - Aero Parts
E148 = Skyhaven Dungeon - Moon Dew
E149 = Skyhaven Dungeon - Laconian Ribbon
E14A = Skyhaven Dungeon - Star Mist
E145 = Skyhaven Dungeon - Royal Crown
E147 = Skyhaven Dungeon - Hunting Bow
E146 = Skyhaven Dungeon - Aqua Parts
E153 = Sage Isle - Royal Shield
E154 = Sage Isle - Royal Sword
E155 = Sage Isle - Vulcan
E156 = Sage Isle - Royal Emel
E172 = Sage Isle - Siren's Shot
E170 = Aridia - Miun's Claw
E13D = LaShute Dungeon - Laconian Emel
E13C = LaShute Dungeon - Laconian Shield
E13E = LaShute Dungeon - Laconian Helmet
E141 = LaShute Dungeon - Star Mist
E13F = LaShute Dungeon - Moon Dew
E140 = LaShute Dungeon - Royal Gear
Thanks to François Duchesneau for the original information on event editing.
Thanks to Joe Ford and René Dare for finding most of these event flags.
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