00 00 = monomate
00 10 = dimate
00 20 = trimate
00 30 = antidote
00 40 = star mist
00 50 = moon dew
00 60 = escapipe
00 70 = monitor
00 80 = short sword
00 90 = sword
00 A0 = steel sword
00 B0 = ceramic sword
00 C0 = laser sword
00 D0 = force sword
00 E0 = laconian sword
00 F0 = royal sword
01 00 = planar sword
01 10 = Orakio's sword
01 20 = nei sword
01 30 = knife
01 40 = hunting knife
01 50 = steel knife
01 60 = ceramic knife
01 70 = laser knife
01 80 = force knife
01 90 = laconian knife
01 A0 = royal knife
01 B0 = staff
01 C0 = hunting staff
01 D0 = steel staff
01 E0 = ceramic staff
01 F0 = laser staff
02 00 = force staff
02 10 = laconian staff
02 20 = slicer
02 30 = ceramic slicer
02 40 = laser slicer
02 50 = force slicer
02 60 = laconian slicer
02 70 = royal slicer
02 80 = planar slicer
02 90 = Lune's slicer
02 A0 = nei slicer
02 B0 = claw
02 C0 = hunting claw
02 D0 = steel claw
02 E0 = ceramic claw
02 F0 = laser claw
03 00 = force claw
03 10 = laconian claw
03 20 = royal claw
03 30 = planar claw
03 40 = Miun's claw
03 50 = nei claw
03 60 = hunting bow
03 70 = ceramic bow
03 80 = laser bow
03 90 = force bow
03 A0 = laconian bow
03 B0 = royal bow
03 C0 = Laya's bow
03 D0 = nei bow
03 E0 = hunting shot
03 F0 = ceramic shot
04 00 = laser shot
04 10 = laconian shot
04 20 = cannon
04 30 = pulse cannon
04 40 = vulcan
04 50 = pulse vulcan
04 60 = Siren's shot
04 70 = nei shot
04 80 = hunting helmet
04 90 = steel helmet
04 A0 = ceramic helmet
04 B0 = force helmet
04 C0 = laconian helmet
04 D0 = royal helmet
04 E0 = bandanna
04 F0 = hunting bandanna
05 00 = steel bandanna
05 10 = ceramic bandanna
05 20 = force bandanna
05 30 = laconian bandanna
05 40 = royal bandanna
05 50 = garment
05 60 = ceramic crown
05 70 = force crown
05 80 = laconian crown
05 90 = royal crown
05 A0 = ribbon
05 B0 = hunting ribbon
05 C0 = ceramic ribbon
05 D0 = force ribbon
05 E0 = laconian ribbon
05 F0 = royal ribbon
06 00 = head gear
06 10 = steel gear
06 20 = ceramic gear
06 30 = force gear
06 40 = laconian gear
06 50 = royal gear
06 60 = hunting armor
06 70 = steel armor
06 80 = ceramic armor
06 90 = force armor
06 A0 = laconian armor
06 B0 = royal armor
06 C0 = planar armor
06 D0 = cape
06 E0 = steel cape
06 F0 = laconian cape
07 00 = royal cape
07 10 = robe
07 20 = steel robe
07 30 = laconian robe
07 40 = royal robe
07 50 = hunting chest
07 60 = steel chest
07 70 = laconian chest
07 80 = royal chest
07 90 = fiblira
07 A0 = steel fiblira
07 B0 = laconian fiblira
07 C0 = royal fiblira
07 D0 = vest
07 E0 = hunting vest
07 F0 = steel vest
08 00 = ceramic vest
08 10 = force vest
08 20 = laconian vest
08 30 = royal vest
08 40 = protector
08 50 = steel protector
08 60 = ceramic protector
08 70 = force protector
08 80 = laconian protector
08 90 = royal protector
08 A0 = boots
08 B0 = force boots
08 C0 = royal boots
08 D0 = shield
08 E0 = steel shield
08 F0 = ceramic shield
09 00 = force shield
09 10 = laconian shield
09 20 = royal shield
09 30 = emel
09 40 = steel emel
09 50 = ceramic emel
09 60 = force emel
09 70 = laconian emel
09 80 = royal emel
09 90 = needle
09 A0 = hunting needle
09 B0 = steel needle
09 C0 = ceramic needle
09 D0 = laser needle
09 E0 = force needle
09 F0 = laconian needle
0A 00 = royal needle
0A 10 = sapphire
0A 20 = moon stone
0A 30 = moon tear
0A 40 = dragon tear
0A 50 = snow**
0A 60 = twins ruby
0A 70 = power topaz
0A 80 = mystery star
0A 90 = aqua parts
0A A0 = sub parts
0A B0 = aero parts
0A C0 = laya's pendant
0A D0 = data?**
0A F0 = vTr T12**
0B 00 = BAD ITEM*
0B 10 = 1234567**
0B 20 = 7**
all values over 0B 20 = BAD ITEM*
* - adding any of the BAD ITEMs will cause the game to crash when trying to access inventory
** - these aren't "real" items but can be equipped and used for some wacky results
8 in the first bit signifies it is equipped.
The last place signifies where it is equipped.
0 = head
2 = right hand
4 = left hand
6 = torso
8 = feet
A = buckle
C = both hands
E = left hand
All odd digits cause a glitch.
00 12 81 2C 86 C0 84 D8 88 C8 00 40 00 40 0A 90 0A A0 0A B0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
This would be a character with nei sword, planar armor, royal helmet, and royal boots equipped. Also carrying a pair of star mists and all the parts for wren.
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